Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Hypnosis improves the success rate of IVF

Hypnosis can help you relax, reduce adrenaline levels when undergoing IVF.  Hypnotherapy can help you increase your immune system. Stress reduces the secretion of oestrogen. Hypnosis encourages deep states of relaxation. Controlling the adrenaline dump. Which is very important for successful outcome. Also visualisation and positive suggestions can be delivered to the subconscious. Helping create belief.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Tinnitus can be treated with hypnosis

My name is Ger Griffin, I am a professional Hypnotherapist & psychotherapist.
 I've had great success with treating tinnitus. I am a tinnitus sufferer myself and have had it for over 10yrs.I can honestly say that I've reduced my tinnitus by 95%.
I started treating my tinnitus when training in hypnosis. I first used direct suggestion therapy, then indirect.
Eg using a symbol to trigger reduction in the tinnitus.
Six months later someone in a bar asked me, "how is your tinnitus". And I had forgotten I had tinnitus.
This was a real light bulb moment for me.
Tinnitus can cause real suffering. And I get great pleasure in teaching clients to tune out their unwanted friend.
We all ready have the ability to tune out almost any sound. Our brains can only handle so much information. Ever been so engrossed in your favourite TV programme that you don't notice a car alarm going on outside . Its coming to a cliff hanger. Everything else gets pushed to the background.
Using this process, suggestions to ignore and payless attention to the unwanted stimulus[tinnitus] are direct deep into the subconscious. The control room of the mind and body. I give the client  a CD/MP3 after the session to reinforce these suggestions. The client listens to them at least 3 time a week for six weeks. It takes 6-8 weeks to learn/imprint any new habit. Of course everyone responds at a different rate.
The tinnitus doesn't go. But you should notice far less. Many clients say that they reach a state where it just doesn't bother them anymore.
This of course requires the client to put time and effort into the process. Its not magic. But the effort will be so worth the results.

Friday, 20 May 2016


  1. Revivification.
This is my favourite technique. First I get the client to go into trance. Then get them to emotionally relive a memory. We do this naturally. Maybe talking with friends we recall a pleasant memory. Maybe laugh or smile as we tell it.We relive it in some way. In trance often these memories and the feelings can be more intense.
So this helps us to release happy hormones, endorphins .Serotonin, dopamine etc. .We release our own brains medication, our own antidepressant. I've had great results with this. Clients love the effect of this memory.
Giving them some natural relief from their low mood. Some control.
This technique often sets up all the other ones .As a client starts to FEEL better .Its easier to accept positive suggestions.This technique sets hypnosis apart from other therapy. Hypnosis has many deepning techniques that help you go into such a deep state of relaxation.

2. All or nothing thinking 
In trance black and white thinking can be challenged and changed for more subjective ones. This type of thinking is very common with depression. Any other distorted ways of unhelpful thinking can be also challenged at a deep level. How we talk to ourselves is so important. Hypnosis is a great way to plant positive suggestions deep into the subconscious.

3.Accessing the root cause.
Sometimes there can be an initial forgotten/repressed trauma locked in our subconscious .Hypnosis can act as a short cut to your subconscious mind. Its amazing watching clients accessing a memory from 20 yes ago that they completely forgotten about.The memory was forgotten, but the effects still remain. By releasing it, we can reprocess it as an adult .Leaving behind the old reaction to it.

It still give me a great sense of satisfaction siting  four feet away from someone, watching their mood change.
Sometimes after only 20 mins. Of course these techniques have to be practiced over and over again before long-term results are achieved.
Hope this short Blog may encourages you to try hypnosis for yourself. I know many

can be  sceptical about hypnotherapy. But that's only natural .I would be the same myself.
Some clients come to me who are slightly sceptical. They come often because they have tried everything else .But when they start to get results. Belief follows .Please contact if you have any questions .Only too glad to help. Email me or ring for Free phone consultation.
all the very best
Ger Griffin

Friday, 5 February 2016

Why hypnosis is so successful for treating Anxiety

I really do beleieve that hypnosis is such a powerful tool for treating anxiety.Having successfully treated many clients who suffer from anxiety/panic/stress.It still gives me great satisfaction watching a client leraning to control/reduce/elimante their anxiety.
Then how is hypnosis so good for this.As someone once said to me.It really gets at the anxiety.Of  course finding out the root cause of anxiety is so important.Identifying negative self talk.Healing and reprocessing old trauma memories.Most decient psychotherapy will help you achieve this.
But the first I do with a client is help them relax.Before we do any analysis.Talking deep breaths,progrssive relaxation techniques.Positive healing visualizations.Because clients FEEL anxious. Don't.Don't under estimate how useful relaxation is.
Hypnosis can really help you achieve deep states of relaxation.For some who has been suffering from crippling anxiety,its so powerful.I use a technique called revivification. This.This is where you emotionally relieve a memory.First Talk the client down into trance.Then the get the client to relive a happy/relaxed memory,maybe a time when they felt so safe.But its the feelings that are most important.Releasing feelings of calmness.
Clients often say that their not sure if they can do this.Its always me me smile a little.Because once you go down into trance.Its often quit easy to release these endorphin memories.Because this ability is already within us.We often do this in our waking life.When we meet friends,or watch a favorite Tv program from our childhood.It triggers a memory,a feeling.
Often I find people who are most anxious go the deepest.I think they are just waiting for someone to show them how to let go of their weight.
Of course everyone responds at a different rate..Hypnosis is not magic.Hypnotherapy helps you to help yourself.Its not mind control.
I had a client last week who went so deep so quickly.It still impresses me.He had been suffering from anxiety for over 2 yrs.After 20 mins he said he hadn't relaxed like that in over 2yrs.It was the first break he had from his anxiety.Also said he was slightly skeptical about hypnosis at first.He just tried it as a last resort.
He had tried CBT .But it didn't do much for him.
Anxiety treatment that doesn't involve relaxation techniques fall short I believe.
Many of my clients have tried cognitive behavioral psychology.But they found it a bit dry.Don't get me wrong I use some of the CBT techniques myself.But on its own sometimes not enough for anxiety.
Hypnosis really helps to get at the anxiety.Helping the client to work directly on calming their nervous system.
As the client starts to feel less anxious and more relaxed.Then its easier to work on deepers subconscious programs.
I hope this blog helps someone to find relief from their anxiety.Or maybe point them in the right direction.
Majority of my clients don't go past four/five sessions.Hypnosis can treat anxiety so quickly.
Of course as I say everyone is different.Hypnosis is very powerful.But its not magic.Its nothing like what you see on a stage show.
Anxiety is often called "misuse of the imagination "seeing things go wrong before they actually happen. Thoughts can create feeling. Change your imagination through visualisation, see the other side. If you have any questions , please email or just ring me. Always open to having a chat.
All the best and good luck on you journey.
Ger Griffin
Dublin-hypnosis is centrally located in Dublin 4 just at the end of upper baggot street.
Anxiety affects one in 9[estimation,st. patricks mental health services]
Panic attacks,General anxiety disorder,social anxiety,ptsd