Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Fear of needles

My name is Ger Griffin.I am a clinical hypnotherapist.www.hypnosis-dublin.com
I had the the woderfull experience of tasting my own medicine.I just went for minor lowerback spinal injection in hospital.To be honest was'nt looking forward to having a huge needle being stuck into my lower spine.Epidural injection into the L4 vertabrae to be exact.Hypnotherapists like myself often get into the field to deal with their own issues.Neddles beng one of mine.As I write this the effects of the local anaesthatic hasn't worn off yet.So maybe some spelling/text errors.I'm sure you will forgive me.
When I first arrived outside the hospital.My anxiety started to rise.My nevous system was telling me to"go"back home to safety.I took deep breath and released a relaxed anchor.This reduced my anxiety from 6 right down to 2.Sacle from 1 -10.First hurdle done.Relax anchor is practiced previously.In trance I visualise a relaxed memory,access the relaxed safe feeeling.Anchor it by putting thimb and forefinger together.Anchoring means ur body /mind remembers that feeling,those reassuring thoughts.
I then go into the main area of the hospital.Sit outside the xray dept.Where my procedure will happen.
Anxiety starts again,7 out of ten.Its really gioing to happen.I take deep breath and release anchor  again.
Then I do EFT Tapping.Serious of tapping points of body.Brought anxiety down to 2/3.Not bad.
I register at reception.Before I know it,there taking me to get ready for nerve block.The nurse gives me all the info.Calms my nerves,tells me,won't be too painfull.It should go very well.I listen carefully.Because these are hypnotic suggestions in themselves.
Im on the table now.Surrounded by  cylnder xray machine.My heart starts to race as they prepare.Another deep breath,release relax anchor.Heart starts to slow.They start with local anaestheic.Tiny pain.
Now for the big needle.In it goes.Feel pressure.I releax myself.Not feeling too bad at all.
Little more pain as the move needle around.They inject the medice into my spine.Take out needle.Its over.
My anxiety I kept under control.The nurse asks me"how was it""not to bad at all"and I smile.
Well done self hypnosis.My own medicine worked.
The background to this story.My farther died in this hospital.Also we suspect mistakes where made.No wonder I had anxiety.I had to relax away those negative thoughts/memories.
Feeling not to bad.Final thing,anchor in my subconscious that next time,no need for anxiety.The mind and body remenbersGot a taxi home.Had a chat with the driver.He was so nice.Shuck my hand and said"hope ur back gets better soon.Support of any kind is so important.
Sitting at home,with nice cup of hot tea writting blog.So pleased got to taste my own medice,as a clinical hypnothrapist.Not for the firs time.
Hope my story was helpfull to anyone going to hospital or the dentist.Theres always a way.
All the best.
Ger Griffinwww.hypnosis-dublin.com

Friday, 9 January 2015

Stop Smoking hypnosis-dublin


Can hypnosis really help me quit?
I really believe it can.I have helped many clients to stop smoking .Often clients come to me after trying everything else.Nicotine gum/patches,ecigarets.Nothing has worked.Why is this?They may deal with the physical somewhat,but not the psychological.In trancehypnosis helps you identify the triggers and psychological association you have with smoking.Hypnotherapy aims to deals  with the physical and psychological triggers.What you once got from[endorphin rush] smoking you will get from releasing your own bodies endorphin.
Some clients find it so easy to stop,some find they have to make more of an effort ,some even find it hard.But if you stick with the programme your should get there .Smoke free .Its so worth it.
If you have any queries you can ring me for a quick chat without any obligation.I will be only to happy to help  you with any questions. Ger Griffin D.H.P ADV MICHP
Phone Number: 086 7310053   www.hypnosis-dublin.com
Benefits of stopping smoking are enormous.
Have way more energy.Feel much healthy.Save money.think how much money you will save as you stop smoking now.Lower risks of heart decease,cancer,stroke,bad skin.

Stop smoking tips
Think of the benefits of stopping.This will motivate you.
Think of the adverse effects,heart decease,cancer,stroke etc.Also will motivate you.
Use healthy alternative ways to satisfy any cravings eg When having craving drink some water,eat fruit.Take deep slow breath.Caving only lasts few minutes..Keep away from places you associate with smoking.maybe avoid you local bar for two weeks.Listen to hypnosis CD

How to stop smoking
Make a decision.More important than you may think.Once you've decided to quit.It will act like a GPS in your subconscious to find a way.Understand there can be setbacks when leaving any habit behind.Find a qualified hypnotherapist.
Find a qualified hypnotherapist.www.hypnosis-dublin.com
What does hypnosis feel like
When was the last time you were in a hypnotic trance? When you just woke up in the morning,day dreaming.Trance is a natural state that we fall into several times a day.You will feel fully aware and can wake up at any moment.Its not like stage hypnosis at all.In fact clinical hypnosis is generally a very relaxing experience.
Its not stage hypnosis
What I mean by this that its not magic,even though sometimes it seems that way.Its not like I click my fingers you go into some zonked out state then your cured.I help the client to help them selves.Its still up to you.Don't get me wrong,you are more that quadrupling your chances to stop smoking forever.
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person